From the Tea Party till our modern days, Boston has always nurtured rebellions who challenged the status quo and inspired to build foundational truths. With the establishment of higher education, such mindset gave birth to unparalleled innovations ushering the world into heights never thought possible before. Below we highlight the history of Boston Innovation and honor what this city had to offer.  Subscribe to receive our monthly innovation story highlight.

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1721 | Smallpox Vaccine
1832 | Telegraph & Morse Code
Samuel Morse
1839 | Vulcanized Rubber
Charles Goodyear
1845 | Sewing Machine
Elias Howe
1846 | Anesthesia
John Collins Warren
1869 | Voting Machine
Thomas Edison
1873 | Water Quality Standards
Ellen Swallow Richards
1877 | The Telephone
Alexander Graham Bell
1902 | Sanitary Engineering
William Thompson Sedgwick
1914 | Rocket Fuel
Robert Goddard
1915 | Movies in Color
Herbert Kalmus
1925 | Frozen Food
Clarence Birdseye
1930 | Oil Refining
Hoyt C. Hottel
1935 | Separation of Uranium Isotopes
Manson Benedict
1939 | Solar Power
Hoyt Hottel
1940 | Solar Power Storage
Maria Telkes
1940 | Radar
MIT Radiation Laboratory
1941 | Organic Synthesis
Robert Woodward
1946 | Venture Capital Firm
Georges Doriot
1947 | Instant Camera
Edwin Land
1947 | The Microwave
Percy Spencer
1948 | Modern Oil Prospecting
Geophysical Analysis Group
1949 | Magnetic Core Memory
Jay Wright Forrester
1949 | Vaccine Culture Technique
Boston Lab of John Enders
1950 | Inertial Navigation System
Charles “Doc” Draper
1951 | Machine Learning
Marvin Minsky
1954 | Organ Transplants
Joseph E. Murray
1954 | Synthetic Penicillin
John Clark Sheehan
1957 | Minicomputer
Ken Olsen, Harlan Anderson
1962 | First Computer Game
Steve Russell
1962 | Satellite TV
1963 | Air Defense System
Lincoln Lab
1963 | Cloud Computing
Project Mac
1963 | Computer Graphics
Sketchpad Ivan Sutherland
1964 | Human Blood Storage
1968 | Black-Scholes Merton Model
Fischer Black, Myron Scholes, Robert Metron
1968 | Telemedicine
1968 | Virtual Reality Headset
Ivan Sutherland
1969 | ARPANet / Networked Computers
Frank Heart
1971 | EMAIL
Ray Tomlinson
1971 | Portable Fax Machine
Shintaro Asano
1973 | GPS
Raytheon Company
1974 | Birth of Biotech
Philip Sharp
1975 | Reverse Transcription
David Baltimore
1977 | RSA Cryptography
Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, Leonard Adleman
1979 | The Spreadsheet
Dan Bricklin, Bob Frankston
1983 | Regenerated Skin
Ioannis V. Yannas, John Burke
1987 | Controlled Drug Delivery
Robert Langer
1987 | Digital Nonlinear Editing System
William J. Warner
1990 | Blue LEDs
Theodore Moustakas
1997 | Electronic Ink
Joseph Jacobson
1998 | Content Distribution Network
Akamai - Daniel Lewin, Tom Leighton
1999 | P2P File Distribution Systems
Napster - Sean Parker and Shawn Fanning
2000 | Human Genome
MIT Center for Genome Research
2006 | Online Anonymous Communication
The TOR Project - Roger Dingledine
2007 | Personal Cloud Storage
Dropbox - Drew Houston
2016 | Robot Taxi
Nutonomy - Karl Iagnemma
2019 | Seeing The Unseeable
First Picture of the Black Hole - Katie Bouman